Connaught Contacts and Connections

‘It’s is not what you know, but who you know’.


This is still the case, despite the digital age and you may think it is all about search algorithms and key words. This is NOT the case if you really understand the market place and how to be more successful.

The better positions and openings are more likely to arise through appropriate contacts and connections rather than adverts, agencies and applications in the open market. This is particularly the case for the more responsible and senior roles. Many highly capable candidates say that applications get a poor response, their calls don’t get returned and the market does not understand their transferable skills, when they have so much to offer.

The ability to do a great job counts for little unless you can meet with the people who have the right opportunities for you to deliver real value and without effective and proactive marketing activity you compromise your true career potential. When our candidates/clients go to Market, we have a unique and proprietary set of contacts, resources and activities to support them in finding and securing their next role.

To find out why and how you could also be more successful, give us a call. 


Connaught Exec

7 Day Guide to Job-Hunt Success

To get your FREE copy of “7 Days to Job Success” all you have to do is enter your name and e-mail address below.

I felt I could go it alone. How wrong I was.

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